مرکز آموزش
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Facility access procedures
You are in charge of your access list and permissions
Anyone who is to be granted physical access to your services must now be listed as a Contact in your My Netwise Hosting control panel.
You can administer this by logging into your account and browsing to 'Account > Contacts/Sub-Accounts'. Here you can setup your Contacts for access / no access as appropriate. Once you add a Contact, you can define their access as necessary.
Your main profile account is not automatically granted access; please do ensure you add yourself as a Contact if you wish to have physical access to your services.
You will be prompted to add your first Contact when you raise an access request, should you not have any set.
Please ensure your Contact details are kept up to date, which includes adjusting or removing any entries for personnel who you no longer wish to have physical access to your services.
Access levels explained
Each Contact on your account can have access levels set in three ways:
No Access is for administrative accounts (i.e. adding your finance department for billing emails only) or for specific personnel who you do not wish to have physical access to any location or service.
Set by Facility is to grant a Contact global access rights to all services within a given facility. This will likely be the most popular option, particularly for account holders and support staff. You can also set whether the Contact can remove hardware from site.
Set per Service is to grant a Contact individual permissions at the service level, rather than the facility level. This will be used for any sub-tenants, or for staff who only need access to specific areas of your total service set. Again, you can specify equipment removal status.
You can also set whether a Contact is to be Escorted or Unescorted, depending on the nature of your services.
Contacts without equipment removal set will not be allowed to take hardware away from site.
Access for guests
Your Contacts are your permanent access list (as well as your admin accounts for notifications). On occasion, you may wish to grant one-time access to a guest, such as a specialist engineer.
You can specify guests in your access request, though they will need to have their identity verified on arrival - guests will be escorted, and should be accompanied by a named Contact on your account.
Requesting access
Facility access is now a stand-alone area in your My Netwise Hosting control panel.
You will find this in the navigation, under 'Facility Access'. Here, you can raise a new request and view / edit any open requests.
For reasons of added security, access requests can no longer be made by submitting a standard support ticket, as they do not contain enough information to be processed correctly.
Any visit to the facility must have an access request raised ? we cannot easily process unannounced visits. Failing to do so will severely delay your entry to the facility.
Arrival at a Netwise Hosting facility
Upon approval of your request, you will be able to proceed to site as specified. Approval is usually granted within 5 minutes. If we need more information, we will respond to the request.
On arrival, you may be asked for your access request number at the gate, so please have this available ? it will be emailed to you during the process, or available in your control panel.
You will need to sign in at reception, and have your ID verified by our team on-site.
Arrival at a partner facility
Access procedures at our third-party sites may vary. These procedures will be made available to you as part of your relevant service agreement(s).
What you need to do next
Please log into your My Netwise Hosting control panel, and browse to 'Account > Contacts/Sub-Accounts' to administer your contacts list.
Add anyone who you wish to have access rights to our facility, or your services within them.
You can also keep / add accounts for administration, such as finance or support. These accounts can have No Access set, which is the default setting.
You can set the system notification settings for each contact here also.