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How do I disable Windows update?
If you would like to disable the Microsoft Windows Automatic Update service on your dedicated server for any reason simply:
1.) Open the services control panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services)
2.) Right-click on Automatic Updates, select Properties
3.) Click the Stop button
4.) Change the Startup Type to "Disabled"
Or if you would like to disable Microsoft Windows Automatic Update on a per user basis:
1.) Start regedit.exe (Start > Run > Regedit)
2.) Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer
3.) From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value
4.) Enter a name of NoWindowsUpdate, and press Enter
5.) Double-click NoWindowsUpdate, and set it to 1
6.) Close regedit
You don't need to reboot your dedicated server, it is actioned immediately. If the user tries to start Windows Update at any point, the system will now display the following error message:
"Windows Update was disabled by your system Administrator"
For further information on Windows Update please visit the dedicated Microsoft website at: